Cogjus is a center of studies and research whose mission is to promote the knowledge of Psychology applied to the area of law and justice. We believe that the right should be at the service of society, Ensuring human rights, democracy and development.
Therefore, we support and endorse the Méndez Principles on effective interviewing for investigations and information gathering, which were released in June 2021 by a group of international experts, led by Professor Juan E. Méndez, former UN special rapporteur on torture3.
The Méndez Principles are a set of guidelines based on scientific evidence, legal and ethical, which aim to guide public authorities in obtaining reliable and respectful human rights information from all persons involved in an investigation or collection of information.
The Méndez Principles are based on six basic principles:
- Effective interviewing is instructed by science, For Law and Ethics;
- Effective interviewing is a comprehensive process for obtaining accurate and reliable information, implementing associated legal safeguards;
- The effective interview takes into account the specific needs of people in vulnerable situations;
- Effective interviewing requires adequate and ongoing training of interviewers;
- Effective interviewing requires accountability and oversight mechanisms;
- Effective interviewing requires progressive and participatory implementation.
The Méndez Principles propose a concrete alternative to interrogation methods that rely on coercion to extract confessions. They provide guidance on how to obtain accurate and reliable information in full respect of human rights and the dignity of all, including through the implementation of legal and procedural safeguards in the early hours of police custody.
The Méndez Principles aim to transform the relationship between states and their citizens. They aim to change the way public officials conduct interviews and, as a result, improve trust in the state. They are meant to change how public officials conduct interviews and, as a result, improve trust in the state.
Cogjus recognizes the importance and relevance of the Méndez Principles for the improvement of the Brazilian criminal process, seeking greater protection of the rights of the accused, of victims and witnesses. We are committed to disseminating and promoting the Méndez Principles among our partners, Collaborators and target audience. We are also available to contribute to its implementation in Brazil, through our teaching activities, Research and Extension.
We invite all interested parties to learn more about the Méndez Principles, Accessing the HTTPS site:// or by contacting us.